

sounds like a personal problem

There is a man. He wears a set of paper bags and stands on his box. He says to beware; "The Portuguese fires are burning", "The Vegas strip is flooding", "The big apple is dark". He tells me to seek shelter in the arms of Jesus. Then he says that word: Armageddon. Certainly I am in the midst of a battle between my good and evil parts. I don't think this is what he means though.

People walk by and laugh at him. He is so different. He is mad in their eyes. Or maybe we are mad; trying so desperately to live our lives out of a catalogue, to be normal and straight and successful. So afraid to make a discovery that will lead us down a path we're not already on, we wander in disguise. Schizophrenics unable to vocalize our dreams. Left in our mad worlds with the appearance of utter normality. Pretending is the most subtle insanity. Ah well, as Simone says "sounds like a personal problem to me". Guess some will work through it and others will never realize it's an issue.

On a less morbid note, Simone is going into hospital this Wednesday to have the baby. It is becoming terribly exciting. But I am becoming increasingly aware that time is slipping past. It's almost my birthday! I only have two months left in Australia! I will be home in three months! I have been gone for nine months! It's all so incredible to me.

By the way, my dates for Thailand are the 24th October to the 25th November if anyone is interested in joining me.

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