

fly away
from the road where the cars never stop going through the night
to a life where I can watch the sunset and take my time .

Wow. Only seven months since my last post... Not missing anything THERE, are we?

In that time I've moved in and out of Hillsborough NH, Milford NH and Cape Coral FL. The last one will become permenant if I can only survive the next couple of months.

At this moment I am at Kip's house, just outside of London. We are having an uneventful visit but preparing for a great adventure. On Thursday we are flying to Tallinn, Estonia. That night we'll catch a bus to St Petersburg, Russia. From there we board a Trans-Siberian train and head east. We'll eventually cross Mongolia into China, head on to Vietnam, through Cambodia and fly out of Thailand. Not bad for six weeks.

I will be updating as much as possible. And I'll try to throw in tastes of what my life has been like the past half year or so. Only the happy parts, I promise.

I hope everyone is well. If you are reading this and we've lost touch please leave a comment or email me your address. Who knows what kind of exciting mail you could receive!

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