

we both deserve to be happy, he said turning the cigarette in his fingers

gwill, the heavenly boy that he is, was there to meet me at heathrow airport. through a herculean effort we managed to haul my massive collection of things to his flat in nw london, where he generously let me have his comfy bed all to myself. what a change from my windowless, worn room in bangkok.

i spent almost a week in london, around the museums, landmarks and streets undergoing a hostile takeover by father christmas. i also saw eight movies in the span of three days. it was raining a lot. i did manage to get down to st. katherine's dock, where my dad lived for awhile and where we visited him on one of our trips. ah nostalgia. then i was stopped for directions by a frenchman at the tower, who tried to take me for coffee. when i tried to back out of it, using the useless excuse "i don't drink coffee" he chimed in with "then i'll take you to dinner". it took the better part of an hour to escape.

i left gwill yesterday and headed south. paul and kip picked me up at gatwick. last night we saw lord of the rings (the first one) and waited through the entire end credits hoping for a return of the king trailer. but there wasn't one! harsh.

i have a raging cold/flu-like illness, which needs to leave my body promptly.

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